all the beauties..


rhings have changed a little around here …..loads of shyte gone down with teenagers and boys…the beautiful one no longer lives with us..she gone to live with her big sis…long story…we have not been on speaking terms for quite awhile and the special bond is no more…but we are working on repairing it…shyte happensimg-20170123-wa0001

i knew teenagership was gonna be difficult and it has been…but i come to terms with it….they get their own minds and their own lives and they move on……just gotta let go….easier said than done…

ggp is an official old fart…

It was my 50th birthday the otherday….thats a whole half a century folks…we had a fancy dress party and i drank loads of beer….felt about 100 the next day…im getting to old for this…


me trying to be hipimg-20170120-wa0002

and my crazy wife trying to be?…well im not quite sure what…20170120_205058.jpg

cute hey?


anyway img-20170120-wa0001

i guess your only 50 once…fun was had